Neighborhood Updates
Upcoming Events
The neighborhood association newsletter (The Hyde Parker) is published and mailed periodically throughout the year.
Our Community
The strength and growth of the neighborhood can be attributed to our active and engaged neighbors. Over the years, Hyde Parkers have recognized the importance of preserving Kansas City’s historic homes and have—and continue to—work hard to ensure the neighborhood is strong and thriving for a hundred more years!
With over 1,500 homes and dozens of apartment buildings, Hyde Park is one of the largest neighborhood in midtown Kansas City. Also present is a diverse ecosystem of businesses, nonprofits, and community organizations. Get to know them by clicking the link below to view the interactive map!

Learn about the history of Hyde Park as well as view resources such as the National & Local Register of Historic Places historical surveys and related information, photography and more!
Resident Resources
Trash & Recycling
Find information about trash schedules, bulk pickup, leaf and brush pickup, and more.
KCMO 311
Report things like potholes, illegal dumping, ordinance violations, and more by calling 311 or on KCMO’s online app.
Short Term Rentals
Information regarding STR requirements and the list of current STR registered properties within KCMO.
Troost Overlay
Learn more about specific design standards applicable or any property development and improvements occurring along Troost Avenue.
Infill Development
Residential development of any building containing 8 or fewer units on any infill lot must follow the infill lot and building standards
Zoning Code
Learn what types of building use and construction is and is not allowed per KCMO Zoning and Development Code.
Financial Assistance
On this page of the KCMO website, you’ll find information on utility relief, rent assistance, and other financial assistance.
Street Safety Study
View the comprehensive plan of suggested street safety improvements around Hyde Park.
Nearby Schools
Learn more about available options for PreK-12 education. Show Me KC Schools has all the data and information you need.
Keep up with Hyde Park!
Sign up for the latest email updates from HPNA below:
Note: HPNA members are automatically enrolled in email updates upon payment of dues.